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I Don't Talk To Incandescent People

Yes...that's a task.
Anyway, hey guys It's been days since I posted.
Sooo... I gues some of you have heard that I'm Audrey from AROL.
Yeah, it is true. And I'm not ashamed. LOL
"Louise" invited me and I accepted. It's a done deal.
Soo... anyway, I'm still making my other task for today.
It's a one pic signature. And guess what? I don't do one pic signatures... lol. I suck at textures.
And brushes. Since, well, I don't know how to use it in GIMP.
Hey, I'm not exactly a sharp shed tool when it comes to graphic making.
So, anyway, our last day is today. I think.
We already got out card and all the dazzle.
So, I think I'm enrolling tomorrow on E.Rod so the sooner the better.
I guess I'll be in the last section since I enrolled late.
But, I think I can study better.
I said I think.
The Emopunksz anniversary is on the 27th of April, 11:00 AM.
Emopunksz, you may ask? It;s a group of friends.
Well, I don't exactly consider some girls there as my friends.
And there are some boys too. Norin, Bodega and Jolan. I can guess.
McDonald's. Every one of us is meeting in McDo. And if they don't arrive there, I am soo gonna be pissed off. And they know me when I'm pissed off.
Because of my sudden dislikeness of TG Boards, I spend my time doing this, plurk, twitter and making graphics.
Of course, don't forget the boards I am in.
Life isn't as much different as it is.
My parents say that my computer schedule for school day is on fridays, saturdays and sundays only. Wow. As if I can do that silly and stupid thing.
Boring. Boring. Boring.
Sunday, April 12, 2009,11:56 PM |
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