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Sick Of This Song
Yes. The stupid graphic above is by, yours truly. LMAO. I tried a tutorial posted in MileyFans and that is the result. Not very good. I even asked Kai for some directions.
Also, I'm sick.
Yes. The Walking Advertisement For Weirdness is sick. The hyper dude is sick. Nikki is sick. The song I am listening to is sick.
So, anyway, basically, I am absent in school. Hazel told me they just rehearsed for baccalaureate, but I'm not sure. And the last payment for the graduation tuition fee is on Friday. Some old dudes took our pictures for the graduation pictures wearing a toga. It was also Foundation Day yesterday so the Drum and Lyre played. Even though it rained. That's why I'm sick right now.
And also, Sophia asked me if we could make a story together. I agreed. Pretty much.
The lead character's name is Justine Taylor Raymer. I thought of the last name, she though of the first name. She's somehow one third Irish, one third Dutch and one third American. And she is portrayed by Evita Tests, this very pretty model Sophia recommended. She took care of the photo edit, I took care of the biography. It's basically half a job.
Anyway, sorry if I did not post much for the last few days. I was bored, really. Yeah. The answer is laziness. Hey, not my fault. I'm just a clueless twelve year old girl that lives with her parents and siblings. Too much? I can see that.
My head and stomach still aches, but that couldn't simply over power the weirdness of me. LOL.
Labels: our song, sickness, whatever
Wednesday, March 18, 2009,7:28 AM |
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