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Happy Anniversary MileyFans!
Okay, so just a few hours later, I have been celebrating MF's anniversary.
Whoo...this is my 2nd one. At my first one, I was very very late and I didn't want to post then. LOL.
Because of my attending, I actually won in the Scavenger Hunt thing.
Good thing our net wasn't going kookoo. haha.
And I actually made a few friends. Kind of...
Dakota is cool and so is Peyton. Dakota's a boy, fyi.
Also, Belinda rocking Wentz won in the scavenger game also.
So she stickied the topic I made about Lady Gaga. Go girl!
Soo, anyway, it was fun today.
Time actually flies and it is already night here.
OMG. I just noticed, it is almost the end of April.
One more month and it is another school day again.
A new school with new people and somehow new classmates.
JEEZ! I get a strong sensation every time someone mentions it.
Time flies by so fast.
I didn't realize it was already night.
Only hours ago I took a bath and many more hours than that, I was having fun at the MF party.
Whoa. I so need to get off the PC.
I'm freakin' tired and bored.
But I have some things to do.
Whatever does things are.
I'm just closing the things I am not doing so the internet connection won't be so slow.
To kill the boredom, I'll just be writing in my twilight fiction...
Labels: anniversary, fun, prize, something new, winning
Sunday, April 19, 2009,4:25 AM |
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